Important Notice
EnergyMan account cancellation is an unrecoverable operation. Back up related information from your account before proceeding. Before proceeding, ensure that all services related to the account have been properly processed.
Please note: Once your EnergyMan account is cancelled, you will be unable to use the account again. Furthermore, you will be unable to recover any information or data associated with the account (even if you use the same mail address to re-register a EnergyMan account), including but not limited to:
- You're unable to log in to or use EnergyMan Start.
- Your EnergyMan profile information will be deleted and cannot be recovered, including your EnergyMan name, mail address, mobile number, operation history.
- You will stop following all of the Energy Device that your account has been binding, and you will no longer be able to use the features or services associated with your EnergyMan Account.
- If your account has been reported by other users, is under investigation by a law enforcement agency, or is undergoing litigation or arbitration during EnergyMan account cancellation, Metermate Tech reserves the right to terminate the cancellation process without notice to you.
Note: cancellation of your EnergyMan account shall not serve to disclaim your liability for any actions performed on your account before cancellation.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this clause, please contact us by email: